Jury : Amateur category

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the athletes who will be selected in the “amateur” category will have as judges of this friendly Battle, the members of Team S.B.L! @sbl_workout

Passionate and practicing for many years, seasoned in the discipline, it will be a pleasure for us to share this experience with you!

Confirmed category: 1st judge !

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the first jury is a legend of the discipline! One of the forerunners of the Street Workout movement in the World!

You surely know him, he comes from RUSSIA: VALERY KISCHENKO

Instagram : @valera_kischenko

Confirmed category: 2nd judge !

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the second jury is a talented athlete, piercing in the discipline, German Champion and confirmed athlete of WOB competitions ( world_of_barheroes , NOCCO team member, and finally Athlete gornation.

You surely know him, he comes from Germany : ALEX BERINSKYY !!

Instagram : bar_in_sky

Confirmed category: 3rd Judge !

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the attention, young and talented third jury! He has proven us all!Champion du Monde WCO ( world_calisthenics_org ) !! gym_muscleup Team Member !

You surely know him, he comes from Mexico : ANTONIO GASTELUM !!

Instagram : tonygaste_muscleup

Confirmed category: 4th judge !

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the 4th jury, a real machine too! World Cup champion, twice US National champion! An equally breathtaking record! westcoastwarriorz_ Team Member !

You surely know him, he comes from LA : THOMAS KURGANOV !!

Instagram : thomas_kurganov

Confirmed category: 5th judge !

For this first edition of the S.B.L Online Strength Battle, the 5th Jury, an exceptional athlete too! Champion of Turkey! He has appeared numerous times at the World Championship and has amazed us all with his performances!

You surely know him, he comes from Turkey: SEMIH ALTUNKAYNAK !

Instagram : semihaltnkynk

We tell you this Weekend for this friendly Battle, to share and show your passion, your style, and also your work!
No matter where you live in the world !
And all this with good humor :)!



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